



1 We must obey the traffic rules2 we mustn't park on the road3 we must wait for the green light4 mustn't cross the street between cars5 Always buckle up. 永远系好安全带。把您的孩子放在后座上!决不酒后驾驶8 You always have to stop at a stop sign. 在停车标志前,你永远要停。


必须遵守交通规则The law sets it down that traffic rules must be obeyed.




here I am giving you some rules of the road you:the underground passage);do not逼抢bit crowded. 5. Within walking on the sidewalk,forced parabolic拦车and hit cars. 10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road,过马路时,看看周围.不在道路上打闹和跑跳.看到红灯停.看到的绿色光就行.这是家长和老师经常告诉我们的,我们经常来回走,我们不仅要讲讲这句话,它一样要深深地记在心安全放在首位,使事故可能变得越来越少.让我们在安全的包围下健康快乐的成长,建设我们的家园更加美丽!遵守这些,交通事故将成为越来越少,这是必要的,已知的道路规则,在这里我给你一些规则,你的路:1.骑自行车的人应该走右侧自行车道.2.应走人行道十字路(桥,地下通道);3.当红灯停,看到绿色的光.4.乘公共汽车后的第一次,不逼抢挤.5.在人行道上行走,也没有人行道走在路边.6.应该注意的是,当我们行走的车辆不准追逐,猛跑.7.不允许在车辆突然越过附近.8.不被允许通过,坐在人行道,道路和铁路道口栏杆.9.不允许持有汽车在道路上追车,迫使抛物拦车击中汽车.10.学前儿童在街头或走的道路上,必须由成年人.11.不允许跳过栏杆过马路.(适当删减吧,大体就是这样,若满意请及时采纳,谢谢)


To cross the road, look around. Not on the road to play and run. See the red light to stop for a while. His trip to see the green light. This is for teachers and parents often told us, we often back, and we should not only talk about this sentence, it still deeply recorded in the hearts of safety in the first place, so that accidents may becoming less and less of. Let us surrounded in a safe happy and healthy growth, the construction of our home more beautiful!Allow the possibility of traffic accidents have become less and less, it is necessary to known rules of the road, here I am giving you some rules of the road you:1. Cyclists should follow the right side of bike paths. 2. Should follow the sidewalk to cross the road (or bridge, the underground passage); 3. When the red light to stop, see the green light before. 4. Take the bus after the first, not to each other, do not逼抢bit crowded. 5. Within walking on the sidewalk, there is no sidewalk to walk on the roadside. 6. It should be noted, when we are walking vehicles are not allowed to chase,猛跑. 7. Are not allowed in the vehicle suddenly crossed near. 8. Not be allowed to pass through, to sit upon the sidewalk, roadway and railroad crossing guard-rails. 9. Are not allowed to hold cars on the road to recover the vehicle, forced parabolic拦车and hit cars. 10. Pre-school children in the street or walk on the road, there must be led by adults. 11. Allowed the railings across the road.译:过马路时,看看周围.不在道路上打闹和跑跳.看到红灯停.看到的绿色光就行.这是家长和老师经常告诉我们的,我们经常来回走,我们不仅要讲讲这句话,它一样要深深地记在心安全放在首位,使事故可能变得越来越少.让我们在安全的包围下健康快乐的成长,建设我们的家园更加美丽!遵守这些,交通事故将成为越来越少,这是必要的,已知的道路规则,在这里我给你一些规则,你的路:1.骑自行车的人应该走右侧自行车道.2.应走人行道十字路(桥,地下通道);3.当红灯停,看到绿色的光.4.乘公共汽车后的第一次,不是对方,不逼抢挤.5.在人行道上行走,也没有人行道走在路边.6.应该注意的是,当我们行走的车辆不准追逐,猛跑.7.不允许在车辆突然越过附近.8.不被允许通过,坐在人行道,道路和铁路道口栏杆.9.不允许持有汽车在道路上追车,迫使抛物拦车击中汽车.10.学前儿童在街头或走的道路上,必须由成年人.11.不允许跳过栏杆过马路.(适当删减吧,大体就是这样,若满意请及时采纳,谢谢)


还可以说fasten the seatbelt.一般来讲,各个州都要求司机和司机副座上的乘客系安全带,不过现在很多州更为严格,要求普通轿车的所有乘客都要系安全带,否则被发现就要受处罚。记得我曾看过一个公益广告,警察出来说:如果你不系安全带“那么你最好听清楚了,Listen up这个词组在口语里也很常用。它被用来提醒大家的注意”例如老师要宣布一件很重要的事情!但是班上乱哄哄的”老师就会说。把您的孩子放在后座上:美国法律规定“12岁以及12岁以下的儿童一律要坐在后座上!而且4岁以下的婴幼儿要使用特殊的座位装置(我们在谈论车子的文章里”曾经提到过)。儿童的骨质比较柔软!遇到危险紧急刹车,容易受到更大的冲击,7zH中国英语学习网7zH中国英语学习网 3. Never drunk drive,决不酒后驾驶。美国的醉酒问题很严重,酒后开车出的事故也比其他原因的事故多,每五个美国人中。都会遇到酒后开车的大大小小的事故!各州对于酒后驾驶的处罚也非常严厉,试情形还要坐牢,你可能还会听说DUI Law,这条法规禁止在使用毒品,造成神志不清醒的药物和酒精的情况下开车,处罚也非常严厉。很多美国人有去酒吧喝酒聊天的习惯,所以交通部门建议最好有一个人保持清醒以便驾驶,如果真的喝多了,有些酒吧也会免费提供出租车送你回家,7zH中国英语学习网7zH中国英语学习网 4. You always have to stop at a stop sign. 在停车标志前。你永远要停,停车标志,通常在比较小的路口出现,它起到了红绿灯的作用。这些路口因为比较小,车辆来往少。所以没有必要设置红绿灯,车子开到路口,看看十字路口有没有行人车辆,再继续行驶,那么一定是先让行人,车辆就本着先来后到的原则了,7zH中国英语学习网7zH中国英语学习网 5. In a crosswalk,pedestrians have the right of way. 在过街人行道上,这当然不是说,这边绿灯了,行人还要通过。基本在各个十字路口,都有指示行人的红绿灯,行人也都按照这个红绿灯的指示行动。由于行人比较少,这种红绿灯不是次次都变绿。


don'we need to be careful enough when we are walking or riding on the road.That'playing on the road will be very dangerous.The last but not the least(如果这个词组难了,你直接说the last,

