




Young Prince"the sad child'finally,King,《小王子》讲述的是一个孤独、忧伤的孩子的故事,他住在一个小星球上。有一天,他离开了他居住的星球,开始旅行。他经过了各种各样的星球,后来,他来到了地球,最后,他又回到了他的星球。在旅行中,小王子看到了形形色色的人在社会里迷茫:国王,爱虚荣的人. 酒鬼,为了忘却羞愧而喝酒. 实业家,只爱计算着天文数目样的金钱. 他们唯一的共同点,心中充满虚荣 在旅行中,小王子发现,人们是从来也不会满意自己所居住的地方,他们苦苦追求着幸福,但却常常粗暴地把幸福从身边赶走 在沙漠中他和作者相遇了,他们渐渐的成了朋友。寻找到那失去的天真,与感动。Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters:I”the pilot makes the acquaintanc,who sees a garden of five-thousand roses,tame”think over.,


the big people'they have overlooked. It has already lost a child-like purity gone?Little Prince."Little Prince"the water on the heart is beneficial. And "Little Prince"aware of what he wants todo you feel looking at a pleasant sweetness. All the stars both seem to blooming. "Little Prince"have touched on the responsibility of domestication中文翻译,一顶帽子可怕吗:如果把它看成是一条吞了大象的蟒蛇呢?在这个充满着功利的世界里?大人们的眼中永远只有数字,孩子们的世界早已被他们忽略,那早已丢失的孩童般的纯净去了哪里。为了找寻问题的答案?我捧起了《小王子》,《小王子》是一本清澈心灵的书。是一本成年人写给成年人的童话,是一本关于生活和生命的寓言,正如书中所说的。水对心是有益处的,而《小王子》就如水般澄清透彻。使人安宁并且心生暖意,故事中的小王子对生活抱着认真的态度。他勤勉地疏通火山口,拔着猴面包树的幼苗,然而小王子是孤独的。在他心情低落的时候,他会提着凳子追着太阳看日落,只有欣赏日落时那脉脉含情的余晖。才是他唯一的乐趣,他曾一天看了四十三次日落。因为他心里充满了无尽的孤独和忧伤,有幸的是一朵玫瑰进入了他的生活。玫瑰有着沉静的柔情,她在谎言被揭穿后会反复咳嗽,她是一朵美丽而且非常骄傲的花,她恋着忧伤的小王子。小王子也真诚地爱着玫瑰,然而一件小事最终却使他们分开。敏感的小王子因为玫瑰的一次恼怒而对爱生起怀疑,他离开了自己的星星,抛下了玫瑰,开始了自己孤单的旅行,而然后他来到地球。他碰到了小狐狸,并且在小狐狸的要求下驯养了她,她认为。如果小王子驯养了她,她的生活一定会是欢快的,小王子在与小狐狸一起的日子。小王子懂得了玫瑰的独一无二,并且他开始认为玫瑰驯服了他,他必须对玫瑰承担起责任,小王子在狐狸那里学会了爱。认识到了他所要追求的东西,他要离开小狐狸去承担他的责任,小王子最后发现自己无法回去。他在降临地球的地方反复徘徊,并且深深想念着他的花儿,在不能回去的日子里。小王子会望。如果你爱上了一朵生长在一颗星星上的花“你看着就感到甜蜜愉快,所有的星星上都好象开着花。忧伤脆弱的小王子无法忍受想念的痛苦。他要急切地回去”最后他选择了以蛇的毒液结束自己的生命,尽管他害怕痛苦,但是他认为这样就能抛下自己笨重的身体回去,都被这种孩子式的看待世界的态度感动。像一群群没有灵魂的苍蝇.时光流逝,童年远去。

3.求《小王子》英文读后感(the little prince)700字左右

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,how unreasonable and meaningless the world of grown-ups is. Finally,tame”him;on the one-year anniversary of the little prince’s descent to the earth,while others considerjust as what Saint-Exupéry said in the book:If you were to say to the grown-ups“‘Oh:Grown-ups are always like that. No wonder Saint-Exupéry always wanted to be a child. In the opening of this well-illustrated book”I don’t mean that people should behave childishly on purpose to demonstrate their purity and innocence. Even Saint-Exupéry himself had done big things as all grown-ups do,flew everything from cartography missions to commercial airlines:and all basic necessities of life. I also noticed that Saint-Exupéry mentioned several times in his story that drawing was very difficult for him when grown up because he abandoned it early at the age of six. But I am sure that somewhere,he had also done many little,things that all little ones do:Saint-Exupéry is a man with a sensible mind as well as a childlike heart,and it is because of him that all the stars become meaningful.2One of the best spiritual books ever written for me is The Little Prince by Antoint de Saint-Exupery. Although is usually sold as book for children,but The Little Prince stayed with me as my faithful and sparkling companion in the many crucial moments of my life. Antoit shows to all of us the ways how we can create much better world then we now live in and explains one why is this worthwhile.

4.求<小王子>读后感.英文版的 500字..要自己写的

Young Prince"the sad child'finally,the young prince saw the of all forms person in thesociety confused:King,《小王子》讲述的是一个孤独、忧伤的孩子的故事,他住在一个小星球上。有一天,他离开了他居住的星球,开始旅行。他经过了各种各样的星球,后来,他来到了地球,最后,他又回到了他的星球。在旅行中,小王子看到了形形色色的人在社会里迷茫:国王,爱虚荣的人. 酒鬼,为了忘却羞愧而喝酒. 实业家,只爱计算着天文数目样的金钱. 他们唯一的共同点,心中充满虚荣 在旅行中,小王子发现,人们是从来也不会满意自己所居住的地方,他们苦苦追求着幸福,但却常常粗暴地把幸福从身边赶走 在沙漠中他和作者相遇了,他们渐渐的成了朋友。寻找到那失去的天真,与感动。Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters:etc.

5.跪求一篇(小王子)英文读后感200字 谢谢谢谢

"Young Prince" narrates is lonely, the sad child's story, he lives ona young star. One day, he left the star which he lives, starts totravel. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived theEarth, finally, he returned to his star. In the travel, the young prince saw the of all forms person in thesociety confused: King, loves the vanity person The drunkard, for put behind ashamed drinks The industrialist, only likes calculating the astronomy number typemoney Their only common ground, in the heart fills the vanity In the travel, the young prince discovered that, the people arethe places which always does not will satisfy oneself lives, they arepursuing happiness with hardship, but actually frequently crudelyhappily expels from the side He and the author met one another in the desert, they graduallyhave become the friend. Seeks naive which loses to that, with move. ——— 中文翻译: 《小王子》讲述的是一个孤独、忧伤的孩子的故事,他住在一个小星球上。有一天,他离开了他居住的星球,开始旅行。他经过了各种各样的星球,后来,他来到了地球,最后,他又回到了他的星球。 在旅行中,小王子看到了形形色色的人在社会里迷茫: 国王,爱虚荣的人. 酒鬼,为了忘却羞愧而喝酒. 实业家,只爱计算着天文数目样的金钱. 他们唯一的共同点,心中充满虚荣 在旅行中,小王子发现,人们是从来也不会满意自己所居住的地方,他们苦苦追求着幸福,但却常常粗暴地把幸福从身边赶走 在沙漠中他和作者相遇了,他们渐渐的成了朋友。寻找到那失去的天真,与感动。 the Little Prince – A Tale of Love and Life Title: the Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc.




Young Prince"the sad child'finally,the young prince saw the of all forms person in thesociety confused:King,with move. —————————————————————————————— 中文翻译:—————————————————————————————— 《小王子》讲述的是一个孤独、忧伤的孩子的故事,他住在一个小星球上。有一天,他离开了他居住的星球,开始旅行。他经过了各种各样的星球,后来,他来到了地球,最后,他又回到了他的星球。在旅行中,小王子看到了形形色色的人在社会里迷茫:国王,爱虚荣的人. 酒鬼,为了忘却羞愧而喝酒. 实业家,只爱计算着天文数目样的金钱. 他们唯一的共同点,心中充满虚荣 在旅行中,小王子发现,人们是从来也不会满意自己所居住的地方,他们苦苦追求着幸福,但却常常粗暴地把幸福从身边赶走 在沙漠中他和作者相遇了,他们渐渐的成了朋友。寻找到那失去的天真,与感动。
