




banner [ˈbænə]n.横幅;旗,旗帜例句:The banner of mankind's just war is the banner of mankind's salvation. The banner of China's just war is the banner of China's salvation.人类正义战争的旗帜是拯救人类的旗帜,中国正义战争的旗帜是拯救中国的旗帜。 希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O


flag - 普通的旗,标语,横幅这一类的旗子.pennant - 校旗,标语旗信号旗,


歌手:K'Flag(The Celebration Mix)]ahhho ahhho ahhhoGive me freedom给我自由give me fire 给我激情give me reason给我个理由take me higher让我飞得更高See the champions向着冠军take the field now现在就上场吧you define us你让我明确make us feel proud让我们自豪In the streets are在街道上exaltation得意洋洋as we lose our inhibition当我们失去了束缚Celebration its around us在我们身边庆祝吧every nations每个国家all around us在我们身边Singin forever young歌唱永远的年轻singin songs underneath that sun在太阳下歌唱Lets rejoice in the beautiful game让我们在这美丽的运动中欢庆吧And together at the end of the day相聚在这天的到结束WE ALL SAY我们一起说When I get older I will be stronger当我长大,ll call me freedom 他们让我们自由Just like a wavin'flag就像那旗帜飘扬So wave your flag 所以举起你的旗Now wave your flag现在举起你的旗Now wave your flag现在举起你的旗Now wave your flag现在举起你的旗When I get older I will be stronger当我长大,我会变得更强They'll call me freedom 他们让我们自由Just like a wavin'


bænə]n.横幅;旗,旗帜例句:s just war is the banner of China's salvation.人类正义战争的旗帜是拯救人类的旗帜,中国正义战争的旗帜是拯救中国的旗帜。希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O


美国国旗星条旗的正确英语是 Star-Spangled Banner 也叫星条旗 .或American Flag Flag of the United States介绍的文章(转载!one corner blue with 50 white stars for 50 states. 美国的象征之一是国旗,长方形布上13道红白相间的条纹表示美国原来的州数,蓝色一角上印着的50颗白星代表50个州。say flags on front porches in small towns across the country. Some homes seem to have been built to fly the flag. This wouldn're American too"displaying just one. 现在是四处都能看到国旗,是什么让我们感到骄傲。"那表示世贸中心事件与每个美国人息息相联。美国各小城镇的前廊悬挂着的国旗体现出"身为美国人的自豪"有些房子仿佛就是为了挂国旗而建的。没有国旗便不完整。挂上后便完美了;"。我们也是美国人"--这是斜贴在这所市内公寓窗外的国旗传达出的信息;处处洋溢着爱国宣言。从小处看最能让人信服这一点,有些人认为挂一面国旗还不足够,洛克菲勒中心高高飘起150面美丽的美国国旗。景象令人叹为观止,但这并不说明此处的管理者就比只挂出一面国旗的小商店店主更爱国,The Annin flag company makes most American flags. They have more business than they can do now. You don'。t have to go to Annin to buy a flag though. Flag sales are a street corner cottage industry. Furtive operatives set up shops;to them the buck means more than the banner. 安宁国旗公司出产全美大部分的国旗,现在他们的生意是应接不暇。但要买国旗并不非得到安宁公司。街角也有出售国旗的摊子。对于那些偷偷售卖国旗的街贩。钱比国旗更重要,but there is no rule regarding dimension. There are tiny flags on sticks made in China. This grand flag is so big on a building in New Y,t want a dirty flag so they wash them. 美国国旗的颜色、星星的数目、横条都是规定好了的,但尺寸大小就没有限制。也有中国制造的小签国旗。纽约一栋大楼外的国旗巨大得要转弯接着挂起。消防局的墙上挂着一面国旗。如果不想挂脏国旗就像他们一样拿去清洗吧。America and the Ritz Tower. 人人都想跟国旗扯上关系:美国和耶鲁、美国和圣公会教徒、美国和摩根、美国和万胜、美国和丽晶大厦。Italian,even Afghan. 难免也有人摆出爱国姿态而非真正爱国。他们在爱国主义和商业间徘徊。随处可见对国旗感兴趣的商家:美国国旗吸引顾客到外国餐馆用餐――日本餐馆、意大利餐馆、甚至阿富汗餐馆。There is an official flag code but it is routinely ignored. It is not to be used as a awning or a canopy or plastered to the hood of a car. The code says the American flag is not to be used as decorative clothing. Some find it irresistibly fashionable though and we are more amused than they. 政府有国旗用法的规定,国旗不能拿来当餐布,不能做遮篷、檐篷或汽车贴条。美国国旗按规定是不能用来设计服装的――有些人却觉得难以抵制此诱惑,free to wave majestically in our own free air. 美国国旗应当挂在旗杆上,自由自在地在美国领土的上空美丽庄严地飘扬。




ɡ]n.国旗例句:Theyraisedanationalflag.他们升起了一面国旗。词汇解析:l] 美 [ˈl,nænəl]adj.国家的;国民的;国有的;民族主义的2、flag英 [flæg] 美 [flæɡ]n.旗;旗帜;信号旗;菖蒲vt.标示vi.疲乏,变弱,热情衰减扩展资料同义词辨析flag、banner、ensign1、flagn.旗帜〔辨析〕普通用词,指代表某一国家、组织等的旗帜;在体育运动中常指信号旗或标示位置的标志旗。〔例证〕The national flag is flying in the air.国旗在空中飘扬。2、banner n. 横幅;旗号〔辨析〕通常指用两根竿子撑起的横幅标语,也可指某种主张、信仰等。〔例证〕The workers held a banner reading 'We Want Bread'while on strike.工人们罢工时打着横幅,上面写着“我们要面包”3、ensign n. 舰旗〔辨析〕指挂在船上表示国籍的旗帜。
