weather可数吗:What a bad weather !weather 不是不可数名词吗?用what 怎么




1.What a bad weather !weather 不是不可数名词吗?用what 怎么

语法上应该是What bad weather!但是口语上更多人喜欢说What a bad weather!我认为天气有好天气和坏天气。

2.what a bad weather对吗?weather是不可数为什么用a修饰

weather为不可数名词,其前不能用"正确的句子为What bad weather!意为"多糟糕的天气啊!2、weather是可数的,whether引导名词性从句的关联词,whether 引导的句子可以放在复合句的句首,连接宾语从句时,多么讨厌的天气啊!It's terrible.多糟的天气啊,s going to snow tomorrow.多糟糕的天气。多麽糟糕的天气呀!多么坏的天气啊!3、The company has weathered the recession .这家公司从经济萧条中挺了过来。4、Street committees keep a weather eye on the families in their district.街道委员会留意所辖区域内的家家户户。


weather是不可数名词。(r)] 美[ˈwɛð气象;暴风雨;风化;挨过;[例句]The weather was bad天气很糟。Some of the riders in this section made heavy weather of the cross-country race.这个环节的部分骑手夸大了这场越野比赛的困难。I was still feeling a bit under the weather. 我仍觉得身体有些不舒服。Fishing is possible in virtually any weather. 几乎任何天气里都可以钓鱼。This rock has been weathered and eroded. 这块岩石经风吹日晒已被侵蚀。The scenery and weather were fabulous. 景色和天气都好极了。I'm afraid you'


(r)] 美[ˈwɛð气象;暴风雨;风化;挨过;[例句]The weather was bad天气很糟。Some of the riders in this section made heavy weather of the cross-country race.这个环节的部分骑手夸大了这场越野比赛的困难。Fishing is possible in virtually any weather. 几乎任何天气里都可以钓鱼。The scenery and weather were fabulous. 景色和天气都好极了。I'm afraid you'


weather是不可数名词。weather 英[ˈweðə(r)] 美[ˈwɛðɚ] n. 天气, 气象; 暴风雨; vt. 晒干, 风化; vt. 平安渡过, 挨过; [地] 使风化; [例句]The weather was bad天气很糟。Some of the riders in this section made heavy weather of the cross-country race.这个环节的部分骑手夸大了这场越野比赛的困难。I was still feeling a bit under the weather. 我仍觉得身体有些不舒服。I like cold weather 我喜欢冷天。Fishing is possible in virtually any weather. 几乎任何天气里都可以钓鱼。This rock has been weathered and eroded. 这块岩石经风吹日晒已被侵蚀。The scenery and weather were fabulous. 景色和天气都好极了。I'm afraid you're running a risk setting sail in such stormy weather. 挑上这么个暴风雨的天气出航,你恐怕太冒险了吧!The weather is beginning to improve 天气开始好转了。I always feel dry in this hot weather. 在这种大热天我总感到口干。



7.climate 和 weather的区别

weather和climateweather 意为“为不可数名词,不能在前面加不定冠词,如我们只能说in such fine weather,而不能说in such a fine weather,【注意】weather前虽不可加不定冠词。各种各样的天气“不论哪种天气,weather用复数”
