




4SW Hon BSc Astronomy and Physical Geography (FF58) 3FT Hon BSc Astronomy and Space (F520) 3FT/4SW Hon BSc Astronomy with Geology (F5F6) 3FT Hon BSc Astronomy with Physical Geography (F5F8) 3FT Hon BSc Combined Studies Scheme (Honours) - (Astronomy) (Y003) 3FT Hon Mod Geology and Astro5SW Hon BA/BSc Keele University (K12) qualification American Studies and Astrophysics (FT57) 3FT Hon BSc Applied Environmental Science and Astrophysics (FF95) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics (F510) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Biochemistry (CF75) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Biology (CF15) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Business Administration (FN59) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Chemistry (FF15) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Computer Science (FG54) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Criminology (FM59) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Economics (FL51) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Educational Studies (FX53) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and English (FQ53) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Geology (FF56) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and History (FV51) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Human Resource Management (FN56) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Management Science (FN52) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Marketing (FN55) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Mathematics (FG51) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics and Meing,Astrophysics and Cosmology (F3FM) 3FT Hon BSc Physics/North America - (Cosmology) (F305) 4FT Hon MPhys University of Leeds (L23) qualification Physics (F300) 3FT Hon BSc Physics (4 years) (F302) 4FT Hon MPhys Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc Physics with Astrophysics (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys Physics with Foundation Studies (F301) 4FT Hon BSc University of Leicester (L34) qualification Earth and Planetary Sciences (FF65) 3FT Hon BSc Earth and Planetary Sciences (4 years) (FF6M) 4FT Hon MGeol Mathematics with Astronomy (G1F5) 3FT Hon BSc Mathematics with Astronomy (4 years) (G1FN) 4FT Hon MMath Mathematics with Astronomy (Europe) (4 years) (G1FM) 4FT Hon BSc Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc Physics with AstUniversity of London (Q50) qualification Astronomy (F500) 3FT Hon BSc Astronomy (F503) 4FT Hon MSci Astrophysics (F523) 4FT Hon MSci Astrophysics (F526) 3FT Hon BSc Science and Engineering (4 yrs with Foundation) - (Astronomy) (FGH0) 4FT Hon BSc/BEng Queen'University of London (R72) qualification Astrophysics (F510) 4FT Hon MSci Planetary Geology (FF65) 3FT Hon BSc The University of Sheffield (S18) qualification Mathematics and Astronomy (3 years) (GF15) 3FT Hon BSc Mathematics and Astronomy (4 years) (GFC5) 4FT Hon MMath Physics and Astrophysics (3 years) (FF35) 3FT Hon BSc Physics with Astrophysics (4 years) (F3F5) 4FT Hon MPhys University of Southampton (S27) qualification Mathematics with Astronomy (G1F5) 3FT Hon BSc Physics with Astronomy (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc Physics with Astronomy (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys Physics with Astronomy (year abroad) (F3FN) 4FT Hon MPhys University of St Andrews (S36) qualification Astrophysics (F510) 4FT/5FT Hon MPhys Astrophysics (F511) 3FT/4FT Hon BSc University of Surrey (S85) qualification Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics (3 or 4 years) (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc Physics with Nuclear Astrophysics (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys University of Sussex (S90) qualification Astrophysics (4 years) (F501) 4FT Hon MPhys Astrophysics (research placement) (4 years) (F510) 4FT Hon MPhys Physics and Astronomy (with a foundation year) (FF35) 4FT Hon BSc Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc Physics with Astrophysics (4 years) (F3FM) 4FT Hon MPhys University of Wales Swansea (S93) qualification Physics with Particle Physics & Cosmology (F3F5) 3FT Hon BSc University College London (University of London) (U80) qualification Astronomy (F500) 3FT Hon BSc Astronomy (F502) 4FT Hon MSci Astrophysics (F510) 3FT Hon BSc Astrophysics (F511) 4FT Hon MSci The University of York (Y50) qualification Physics with Astrophysics (F3F5) 3FT/4FT Hon BSc Physics with Astrophysics (F3FN) 4FT Hon MPh 以上的是英国所有有开天文相关学科的大学,本科有开的,硕士博士的也会有.至于美国大学,实在难做.有哪个会既知道英国的学科分布,又知道美国的呢?除了中介,我想没哪个会那么做了.


麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 哈佛大学 Stanford University 加州大学伯克利分校 University of California,






哈勃定律。他发现了大多数星系都存在红移的现象,并在此基础上建立了哈勃定律,被认为是宇宙膨胀的有力证据。哈勃定律的数学表达式为:Vf = Hc x D式中:Vf:远离速率(星系的退行速度)。单位:km / sHc:哈勃常数。单位:km / (s.Mpc),该数值经常变,约在50至90(km/s)/Mpc之间。最新数值为74.2± 3.6(km/s*Mpc)。D:相对地球的距离。单位:Mpc(百万秒差距)


应为美国有夏令时制。白天时间很长。为了节约能源和充分 利用白天的宝贵时间,每到夏天就将这个国家使用的时间提前一小时,又将拨快的时间拨回来;夏令时。是一种法定时间“我国曾于1986年到1991年每年从四月的第二个星期天早上2点钟”全国都将时间拨快1小时,实行夏令时,从九月的第二个星期天早上2点钟起,又将拨快的时间重新拨回来,直到第二年四月的第二个星期天早上2点钟。


